Although more reliable than old diskettes, Flash drives are still susceptible to data loss. For example, most users disconnect their USB devices before it is safe to do so, and many do not even take the time to eject the drive before unplugging it. Sometimes disconnection happens accidentally due to knocking out the USB cord.
Untimely disconnection is the main cause of USB storage device failure. Most frequently this leads to data loss and sometimes it causes permanent hardware damage.
What if your critical data get lost from your pendrive? My Flash Recovery is one among many programs designed to recover information from flash drives or other types of external devices using FAT 16/32 file systems.
The easy-to-use application scans your drive to find, preview and restore files that have been accidentally or intentionally erased from the device, even after formatting. Even an inexperienced user will be able to recover all kinds of files, like documents, applications, multimedia, etc.
The trial version will not allow you to restore the found files but previewing is available.